List of minor disorders of pregnancy

List of minor disorders of pregnancy

Minor disorders or changes during the time of pregnancy are as follows :

Nausea and vomiting : Specially in the morning time ,soon after getting out of the bed are usually common in primy gravidae .This is the first symptom that can be seen in this stage to a woman.

Backache :-

Usually in the later months due to endocrine relaxation of the pelvic joints and faulty posture. Backache is the commonest disorder that can be seen in the pregnant women.


constipation is a quite common ailments during pregnancy. It is due to the effect of progesterone and diminished physical activity etc. constipation is another minor disorder during the time of pregnancy.

Leg cramps :-

It can be seen due to the deficiency of serum calcium or elevations of serum phosphorus level of the body. This is disorder supplimentary therapy of calcium will be helpful.

Acidity and heart burn :-

Regular bowel actions restrictions of fatty foods often relieve it. Antacid preparation are also used after meals.

Varicose veins:

The varicose veins in the legs and vulva or rectum may appear for the first time or aggravate during pregnancy usually in later months.It is due to obstruction of venous returns by the pregnant women uterus. For leg varicosities use crepe bandage for symptomatic relief.

Ankle edema :

Excessive fluid retention as evidenced by marked gain in weight or evidence of preeclampsia has to be excluded.Edema subsides with rest.

Vaginal discharge:

Asurance to the patient and advice for local cleanliness required.

The nursing management of any two minor disorders during pregnancy :

Nausea and vomiting :

This is present between 4-6 weeks of gestation.
The midwife should explain the probable reason and encourage the mother to look positively towards a resolution of sickness.

Mother can take more salads and light snacks as they are more tolerable than full meals.

Carbohydrate snacks at bedtime and before raising can prevent hypoglycemia,nausea and vomiting.

Hurt burn :

The mother should avoid bending over whilst housekeeping and kneeling to lean bath or to make the beds. Sleeping with more pillows than usually lying on the right side semi reclining can help .If heart burn is again persistent the doctor may prescribe antacid.

Pica :

The mother cranes for certain food and unnatural substance like coal .The midwife needs to the aware that this condition can occurly to seek medical advice if the substance craved in potentially harmful to the unborn baby.


The midwives advises the mother to increase the intake of water,fresh fruits, vegetables and whole meal foods in the diet . A glass of water should take during the breakfast is very much helpful.
Exercise is very much helpful especially walking every is very much fruitful in this stage. Maintaining hygiene properly is the best thing . Taking healthy diet is also very much needed . Through this the minor disorders during pregnancy can be prevented.The disorders are very much minors so this can prevent by proper treatment.

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