Detail of minor ailments in new born or infants

Detail of minor ailments in new born or infants

New disorders in newborn:

Every mother observe their children most carefully and they are always worried about their own children. They always care about minor physical peculiarities and problems. The minor peculiarities are of no serious consequences.
She always informed and appropriately advised regarding minor ailments to prevent anxiety of the mother.

Regurgitation of milk:

Most of the baby take out small amount of of curdled milk soon after feed. Child is usually active and vomits is not looking like yellow or green coloured and the baby looks healthy.

Transitional stools:

It is a transition from meconium to the yellow homogeneous stool of a breast fed infants and physiological.It starts on the 3rd and 4th day of life,is yellowish green and may be watery and contains some mucous. The frequency of stools may be increased in upto 10 -15 days and usually decreased by 10th day of life.It must be differentiated from diarrhoea as it causes:

  • No pathological weight loss can be seen.
  • No dehydration
  • No foul smelling stools

Transitional stools requires no treatment except parental reassurance that may cause.

Erythema toxicum:

Some kinds of rash may be seen in the 2nd or 3rd day of life. It is scattering of erythematous macules , paules and vesicles. It occurs commonly over the trunk , face and extremities while palm and soles are spared. It may be separated from pyoderma in the vesicular stage. The sports may disappear in the 1-3 days. The assurance of the parents is required.

Mongolian spots:

Mongolian spots are pigmented kinds of lesions which may be found at birth. This area commonly involved is the lumbosacral region but occasionally in the upper back, shoulder and arms and other parts may be involved in this.The lesions need no treatment except reassurance to parents.

Vaginal discharge and bleeding:

White vaginal discharge may be seen on the 2nd or 3rd day of life and disappearing by 2 weeks of life.vaginal bleeding is a kind of Bleeding which happens due to the removal of maternal estrogen. It is self limiting in 4-5 days.

Breast engorgement:

Full term babies of the both sexes may develop engorgement of breast on the 4th day of life. A creamy white liquid may discharge from the nipples.It will disappear within few weeks.

Congenital teeth :

The eruption of one or more lower teeth soon after birth can be seen in babies.

Tongue bite :

Tongue bite interferes with sucking and delay in development.The tongue tie may be snipped after 3 months if it is a source of anxiety to parents.

Cephalohematoma :

Cephalohematoma is sub periosteal collection of blood secondary to injury during delivery.The swelling appears after 2-3 days of birth. It is a fluctuant swelling does not cross the suture lines. It resolves spontaneously after a few months.

Caput succedaneum :

It is a boggy , diffuse , edematous swelling of soft tissue of scalp over the part. The swelling may be present during birth. It disappears spontaneously after few days.

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