Article on the characteristics of good research

Article on the characteristics of good research

Research is a systematic process that follows a certain types of sets of procedure. The research is a process through which to choose the procedure on the basis of their suitability to research. The process of research should be executed step by step. For doing a research, The research have to choose a proper topic and then follow literature review,formulates research objectives and questions, hypothesis etc. The process of research followed by sampling, collecting data and analysing data , testing hypothesis , drawing generalisations and writing the research report.

The research is an empirical process. Empirical means which is concerned by observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic . Research should be empirical. In other words, it should be based on observation ,direct or real life experiences. Scientific methods should be used while conducting research. Research should be critical analysis of methods and procedures used so that research should be free from any errors. Research has the ability to resist critical scrutiny.

Impact on the characteristics

Research implies impartiality or absence of bias. Research should be free from personal values and beliefs of the research. The aim of the researcher that they remain impartial while interpreting results of the results and do not misinterpret results to verify their own personal beliefs.

Research should be accurate . Accuracy means research should be free from errors. Accuracy depends on whether the research tools have been selected carefully or not. Attention should be paid at every step to avoid error. A non accurate research will yield only spurious results.

For every research , there is a population on which research can be conducted. For example , a research is conducted on the use of online educational channels among college students. For this , the population will be college students and it will not be feasible for researcher to collect data from each student.
So that they can choose a sample which will be the representative of the population.

Good research is a logical method. In the other way ,it can be governed by the rules of logical reasoning. This makes research more more meaningful and effective. There are two parts of logical reasoning induction and deduction. These are discussed in this types of research.

Good research should be realistic process.It deals with some real problems of the world. Research with spurious results will be of no use.

Research will produce similar results each time, when procedures are tested on different sets of similar samples.

Research should be credible. It deals with trustworthiness of research.

Research implies that research can be replicated and used decision making.

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