Article on puerperal pyrexia

Article on puerperal pyrexia

Puerperal pyrexia is defined as it is commonly seen fever within 6 weeks when the women has given birth .It is a common condition.Most cases are seen due to infection in the genital tract area but there are a wide variety of range if possible.


  1. UTI ( urinary tract infection)
  2. Genital tract infection
  3. Mastitis
  4. Post operative infection following caesarean section
  5. Deep vein thrombosis
  6. Other infection
  7. Pyrexia in a recently delivered mother may also be due to causes common to all such as viral infection or chest infection
  8. Glandular fever is probably a common cause of fever in the post partum period.
    General management:
    Ice packs may be useful during pain from wounds.

Rest and adequate fluid intake are required particularly for mothers who are breast feeding.

Sign and symptoms:

  1. Pyrexia
  2. Sustained tachycardia
  3. Breathless, chest pain, or abdominal pain
  4. Diarrhoea and vomiting
  5. Uterine or renal angle pain
  6. Tenderness
  7. Distressed
  8. Scrupulous attention to hygiene should be used during all examination and used of instruments during and after labour.
  9. Catheterization should be avoided.
  10. Perineal wounds should be cleaned and sutured as soon as possible after delivery.
  11. Every mobilization of delivered mother will help to protect against venous thrombosis.
  12. Breast feeding in order to reduce Mastitis.
  13. I.V administration of broad spectrum antibiotics within 1 hours of suspicion of severe sepsis with or without septic shock is recommended .
  14. Analgesia may be required non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs should be avoided for pain relief in cases of sepsis.
  15. Antibiotics should be commenced after taking specimen and should not be delayed until the results are available.
  16. A combination of either piperacillin provides one of the broadest ranges of treatment for severe sepsis.

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