An article on uterine prolapse

An article on uterine prolapse

Uterine prolapse is a kind of disorder of the uterus. It is the descent of the uterus through vagina .

Clinical manifestations and management of uterine prolapse :

Something coming down through vagina or falling of the womb on straining or even standing is the characteristics symptoms in uterine in any type of genital prolapse.

Sacral or lumbo sacral backache due to stretching of the pelvic cellular tissue.

White discharge per vagina may be present.

Cervicitis and mild degree vaginity ,decubitus ulcer .

Menstrual disorders are not common .

Management :

Surgery is the treatment of Choice.
The uterus is sutured back in to place and repaired to strengthen and tighten the muscles bands.

In post manopausal women, the uterus may be removed.

Preoperative Nursing care :

Before surgery to correct the uterine position.

The patient should be explained about the surgery and the expectations after surgery and the effect of surgery on future sensual function.

A laxative and a cleansing enema may be prescribed for the patient.

A perineal shave may be prescribed as well.

Patient is usually placed in lithotomy position for surgery.

Post operative nursing care are as follows :

Immediate post operative goals include preventing infection and also have to avoid pressure on the suture lines.

Perineal care and care of dressing is important.

Patient is encouraged to void within few hours after surgery.

If the patient does not void within this period and report discomfort and pain in the bladder region after 6 hours she will need to be catheterized.

After each voiding or bowel movement is cleansed with perineal with warm , sterile saline solution and dried with sterile saline solution and dried with sterile absorbant cloth.

Health education: when the discharge is planned adequate health education is important for effective results.

Educate regarding postoperative instructions douching using mild laxatives, performing exercise recommended.

Avoid lifting heavy objects or standing for longtime.

Follow up visit is very much important.

The patient is instructed to report any pelvic pain, unusual discharge, inability to carry out personal hygiene and vaginal bleeding.

She is advised to continue with perineal exercise which are recommended for muscle strength and tone.

For the women who are elder for them treatment is also available. For the treatment laxative is also available and enema . lithotomy is a kind of position which is appropriate for of perineal part is important for uterine prolapse.

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