An article on genetic counseling | Write the purpose indication of genetic counseling.

An article on genetic counseling . Write the purpose indication of genetic counseling.

Genetic counseling is a kind of communication process in which the genetic contribution to health is explained, along with specific risks of transmission of a trait and options to manage the condition and its inheritance.

Genetic counseling as a communication which deals with human problems which is associated with the occurrence or the risk of occurrence of the genetic disease in a family.

Purpose of Genetic counseling:

  1. Genetic counseling provide accurate and concrete information about inherited disorders.
  2. Genetic counseling allow people who are affected by inherited disease to make informed choices about future conception.
  3. Genetic counseling educate people about inherited disorders and the process of inheritance.
  4. Genetic counseling offer support to the people who are affected by genetic counseling.

Indication of genetic counseling :

  1. Advanced prenatal age ( maternal age 35, paternal age 50)
  2. Previous child with or family history of congenital anomaly ,dysmorphology , mental retardation, isolated birth defect may be seen, metabolic disorders, chromosomes abnormalities may seen, single gene disorders etc.
  3. Adult onset genetic disease like cancer , huntington disease.
  4. Consanguinity may be seen.
  5. Teratogen exposure ( occupational abuse) may be caused
  6. Repeated pregnancy loss or infertility may be caused
  7. Pregnancy screening abnormalities ( maternal serum a – fetoprotein , maternal triple or quad screen ,fetal karyotype)
  8. Heterozygote screening based on ethnic risk ( sickle cell anemia , Taysachs, canavan, Gaucher disease, thalassemia)

In Genetic counseling, follow up to abnormal neonatal genetic testing.

The counselors expected to present the information in a neutral ,non directive manner and to provide support to the individual and family to cope with decision that are cope with decision that are made. In Genetic counseling 3 situations are very important they are :

  1. Genetic counseling is important for prenatal diagnosis of a congenital anomaly or genetic disease.
  2. When a child is born with a life threatening congenital anomaly or genetic disease.
  3. In Genetic counseling , a couple is planning a family and there is a family history of a genetic problem, including whether one member of a couple carries a translocation or is a carrier of an abnormal gene for an autosomal recessive or x – linked disorders,an adolescent or young adult has a family history of an adult onset genetic disorders ( Huntington disease, breast cancer) , unusual features are present and a diagnosis is wanting or not possible and there is suspected exposure to a toxic substance or teratogen .

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