An article on dysfunctional uterine bleeding

An article on dysfunctional uterine bleeding

An article on dysfunctional uterine bleeding, its characteristics,sign and symptoms and management in detail .

Dysfunctional uterine bleeding refers to the excessive uterine bleeding where no organic causes like systematic, haematological and pelvic can be detected. The nature of bleeding is may be like menorrhagia ,polymenorrhoea, metrorrhagia and continuous bleeding preceded by amenorrhea.


Menorrhagia is a cyclic bleeding at normal interval the bleeding is excessive more than 80 ml duration or birth.

Metrorrhagia: Metrorrhagia is irregular , acyclic bleeding from the uterus amount of bleeding is variable.


Polymenorrhoea is too frequent menstruation at regular intervals of two weeks but less than 3 weeks.


Dysfunctional uterine bleeding is caused by endocrinal dysfunction particularly anovulation .

A. Ann ovulatory :

This type of Ann ovulatory is seen in puberty ,pre menopause obesity , corpus luteal abnormalities .

B. Ovulatory:

In ovulatory , Irregular ripening , irregular sheading IUCD insertion, following sterilization operation may be seen.

Regular bleeding :

In regular bleeding menorrhagia, polymenorrhoea, polymenorrhagia . No menstrual endocrine dysfunction is found during this time.

This condition usually causes child birth and abortion , during adolescents and in PID .

Irregular Bleeding:

Irregular Bleeding is seen in puberty , premenopause, obesity,PCOD with luteal abnormalities.

Clinical features:

The disease may cause at any time during reproductive life especially at puberty, before menopause,after child birth or abortion.


Prolonged painless bleeding often may be seen by a period of amenorrhea for a month of two.

Severe anaemia may cause following excessive blood loss and palpitations and weakness.

Signs: Anaemia and obese

On vaginal examination uterus, cervix normal or felt soft and bulky in enlarged cystic ovary.

Diagnosis :

Physical examination and investigation and environmental and mental health of women is to be analysed.


Endometrium curetting’s , cytology and haematological and hormones may be assessed.


  • Primary health care may given.
  • Treatment anaemia properly.
  • Hormone therapy for adolescents may given.
  • Uterine curettage for matured group of 20 to 40 years of age.

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