An article on Anemia during pregnancy

An article on Anemia during pregnancy

Anemia is the commonest problem that happens during the time of pregnancy minimum 20% of pregnant women suffered by the anemia.


Physiological anemia

A.Pathological anemia ( isolated or combined)

Deficiency anemia:
Iron deficiency anaemia ( which happens due to the deficiency of iron)
Folic acid deficiency anemia ( which happens due to the lack of folic acid)
Vit B12

B. Haemorrhage: acute following bleeding in early month ( Antepartum haemorrhage)

Chronic — hook worm infestation , bleeding piles

C.Hereditary :


Sickle cell haemoglobinopathies

Other haemoglobinopathies

Hereditary haemolytic anaemia

RBC membrane deficit

D. Bone marrow insufficiency due to aspirin, indomethacin.

E. Anemia because of infection, malaria, tuberculosis

F. Chronic disease ( renal disorders)


Physiological consideration:

There is increase in blood volume starts about 8 weeks at the times of pregnancy and reaches about 32-36 weeks.

Causes of anemia:

Iron deficiency anemia is more prevalent among child bearing age.The total intake of iron 15 mg should be for a man.

Iron loss : sweating is another cause of anemia.
Excessive blood loss during menstruation.
Repeated pregnancy during the short period of interval .

During pregnancy :

Disturb metabolism,leads to anemia.
Excess demand is seen in multiple pregnancy, rapidly occuring pregnancy.

More iron demand can be seen in adult people.

Sign and symptoms:

  • Fatigue or weakness
  • Anemia
  • Lassitude
  • Dyspnea on exertion
  • Dizziness.
  • Headache
  • Palpitations
  • Dyspepsia
  • On examination there is varying degrees of pallor, on skin and mucus membrane, tachycardia, swelling of legs , glossitis, stomatitis,soft systolic murmur in aortic region.


  • Blood values
  • Stool examination
  • Routine examination of urine
  • Rule out malaria and pulmonary T.B


  • Every woman needs iron supplementation during the time of pregnancy.
  • Health education should be on balanced diet,rich in iron and folic acid.
  • Adequate measures are taken to prevent dysentery , malaria,UTI, worm infestation etc.


  • Iron therapy
  • Oral
  • Parenteral
  • Blood transfusion should be done


  • Bed rest
  • Blood transfusion
  • Oxygen administration
  • Strict aseptic technique
  • Prophylactic administration of methyl,ergometrine before the separation of placenta.

Prevention of infection, chronic heart failure, and puerperal venous thrombosis

Dietary management should be done.

Routine post natal and new care should be done.
Through this management anemia can be prevented in pregnancy.

  • Anemia may be caused when the haemoglobin level of human body comes less than the normal level.
  • For that reason haemoglobin level less than normal is known as anemia.
  • In our country more than 40-80% people are Anemic. 20% of maternal death happens due to anemia. During the time of anemia the oxygen carrying capacity of blood and the heart try to manage it by increasing the cardiac output. Congestive heart failure is another problem of Through this following steps we can prevent anemia.

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