An article on puerperal sepsis

An article on puerperal sepsis

Puerperal sepsis is a kind of problem where blood poisoning following child birth caused by the infection of the placental site.

Causes :

Puerperal sepsis is a kind of infection of the genital tract which occurs as a complications of delivery that is known as puerperal sepsis.

Predisposing factors are related to this are the lower resistance introduction of micro organism.

Antepartum factors :

The factors which are related to this puerperal sepsis is malnutrition, anemia, preeclampsia,pre mature rupture of membrane and also related factors are chronic debilitating illness, sexual intercourse during late pregnancy.

Intrapartum factors which are related to this puerperal sepsis is that introduction of sepsis during per vaginal examination, dehydration and ketoacidosis, traumatic operative delivery and hemorrhage.
Antepartum postpartum retained bits of placental previa organisms.

The organism which are related to puerperal sepsis are the following : staphylococcus pyogens, E.coli, klebsiella . Anaerobics are Anaerobic streptococcus,Bacteroides ,cl.welchii, clostridium tetani.

How to prevent this puerperal sepsis :

During the antenatal period we have to improve the health and nutrition of the mother and treat anaemia. Any septic focus in the body cleared up . To avoid sexual intercourse during the last two months of pregnancy. Personal hygiene have to maintain daily. The person have to avoid contact with domestic infection. Example – family members who are suffering from any kind of infection.

Intrapartum period : A septic technique must be strictly followed during the conduct of labour. Antiseptic technique the valva is shaved. The valva should be cleaned with soap and water. And also thoroughly washed with Dettol or savalon solution . The client must wear impermeable and routine bladder catheterization are always avoided. In normal laboured , preservation of membrane is always desirable till the full dilation of the cervix.The birth passage is not unnecessarily entered except when necessary.caeserean sections done on proper indication with proper haemostasis avoiding tissue damage and prolonged operation.Any injury to the birth canal should be in normal labour , preservation of membrane is always desirable till full dilation of the cervix.

The birth passage is not unnecessarily entered except when necessary caesarean section is done proper indication with proper haemostasis avoiding tissue damage and prolonged operation.

Any injury to birth canal should be properly repaired under strict aseptic precautions.

Prophylactic antibiotics are given in case of high risk cases.

Post partum period :

Too many visitors are discouraged to visit lying in ward.

The atmosphere of the ward should be kept as clean as possible by wet sweeping.

During the immediate postnatal period,full surgical precautions are necessary for the perineal dressing and sterile vulva pads are used by the women .This is all about puerperal sepsis and the management how to prevent this.

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