An article on BFHI (Baby friendly hospital initiative)

An article on BFHI :

Baby friendly hospital initiative is also called BFHI . Hospitals that practice ten steps to successful breast feeding are given ‘ baby friendly ‘ hospital status. Promotion of breast feeding alone is not enough to make hospitals baby friendly. They should also make the hospital ‘ safe’ for the mother and baby following safe delivery practice, proper care of umbilical cord, temperature regulation of newborn and early diagnosis and management of newborn emergencies.

Ten steps to successful breast feeding:

  • Breast feeding is a most authenticated policy that is mainly communicated to all health care staff.
  • Ensure that mothers start breastfeeding immediately within the first half an hour after delivery.
  • Do not separate new born babies from mothers , allow mothers and newborn to remain together 24 hours a day.
  • Orient and train all staff on benefits and management of breast feeding.
  • Inform every mother about the benefits and management of breast feeding.
  • Show mothers how to breast feed and how to maintain lactation even if newborn baby and mother are separated for medical reasons. In such cases mothers should be taught to express breast milk in order to maintain lactation and to feed using a cup and a spoon .
  • Give newborn infants no food or drink other than breast milk unless medically it is indicated.
  • Encourage the breast milk feeding in the demand of the baby.
  • Give no artificial teats or pacifier like dummies or soothers to breast feeding infants.
  • The establishment of breast feeding which creates a proper bonds between the mother and the baby.That bond is most beautiful. Breast feeding improves the bond between mother and baby.Breast feeding takes them closer .BFHI is the most important and most straightforward steps by the government

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