What are the basic components of a midwife

What are the basic components of a midwife

The provision of skilled care for all women in child is now recognised as a key strategy in the reduction of maternal mortality.

Skilled care refers to the care provided to a woman and her newborn during pregnancy, child birth and immediately after birth by a qualified which is educated and authorised to the practice in example accredited and competent health care providers,who has the necessary equipment with which to work , and also the support of a functioning health system, including transport and referral facilities for emergency obstetric care ( the continuum of care)

A definition of competence is fundamental to understand the commitment to safe care.

Competence is a complex combination of knowledge, performance, skills, values and attitudes.

The combination of knowledge, skills, abilities that enable an individual to perform a specific task in a manner that yields desirable outcomes.

Fundamentally,nevertheless ,there are several personal characteristics that are generally accepted as the individual components of competence.

Cognitive knowledge:

Cognitive knowledge is the knowledge is the understanding of the theoretical principles of safe practice, knowledge is acquired through individual learning ( reading, discussion, deliberation,debate) and through mentoring ( observation of others, receiving feedback) midwifery knowledge is acquired over the practice life time as it necessarily involves understanding of both fundamental ( basic) knowledge and continued ( evolving scientific principles.

Scientific knowledge:

Scientific knowledge must be translated into practical application, this is reflected in the performance of clinical skills ( the capacity to perform specific actions). Midwifery skills can be achieved through the clinical practice.

Competence is also necessarily includes set of personal attitudes example – personal abilities. They include such things as communication skills ( speaking and listening) ,the ability to foster supportive interpersonal relationships.The ability to respect diverse cultures and traditions and a willingness to communicate sensitivity with communities, families and individuals.

Critical thinking skills:

Critical thinking skills are particularly important attributes.Critical thinking is defined as a purposeful process of self regulatory judgement. This includes cognitive process that constitute professional thinking.The application of critical thinking in midwifery practice is associated in some way with clinical decision making and diagnostic reasoning and clinical judgement and problem solving.It is a process of reflective and reasonable thinking.

Competence also involves professional behaviour such as attribute.values that are reflected in the ethical context.However ,an individual ‘s social, religious and cultural contexts influences the way in which these attributes may be expressed, respect for human dignity and treating accorded full human rights.

There may be additional competencies that may be required of an individual within a particular practice context.Examples include competencies related to this management and the organisation of health services delivery and stimulating active community participation and health policy advocacy.

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