What is an Eclampsia – Causes, Symptoms, and Diagnosis

An article on Eclampsia

Eclampsia is a a condition where one or more than one convulsions occurs within the pregnant women and in this condition a pregnant woman suffer from from the condition of high blood pressure,this condition often leads to coma and it may causes life threatening conditions to the mother and baby’s health .
We may consider it as a complications of pre Eclampsia.It is a serious condition where high blood pressure turns into seizure during pregnancy.

Preeclampsia causes a severe kinds of complications with the results of coma that condition is known as Eclampsia.

This condition consists four stages:

First stage is the premonitory stage where the patient becomes unconscious and twitching of the muscles of the face ,neck , tongue and limbs happens. The duration of this stage is 30 second.

The second stage is tonic stage .In this stage the whole body goes in tonic spasm and the trunk opisthotonus , and limbs are flexed and hands becomes clenched.The respiration ceases and tongue protrudes between the teeth.In this condition cyanosis appears and it lasts for about 30 seconds.

The third stage is the clonic stage .In this condition the switching starts in the face and then involve of the one side of the extremities and the whole body involves in the convulsions and bitting of the tongue occurs in this condition.Secretions fill the mouth and cyanosis gradually disappears lasts for 1 to 4 minutes .

The stages of coma :

The patient passes through the stages of coma .
It is important for the nurse be familiar with the most common cause of pregnancy in this pregnancy .In this condition it will be helpful for the teenager to know exactly when to go.
In this Eclampsia condition,it is a specific management of anti convulsion and sedative regimen .

It reduces the motor endocrine sensitivity to acetyl choline and there by reduces neuro mascular irritability . Magnesium blocks neural calcium influx also.It increases cerebral vasodilation ,dilates uterine arteries and inhibits platelet activation.

Magnesium sulphate 4gm IV for 3 to 5 months followed by 10gm and deep IM in each buttocks followed by maintaining dose and 5 gm IM in alternate buttock and this type of administration.


This condition needs immediate medical aids . Clear and maintain mother ‘s airway . The mother have to place in semi prone position to facilitate the drainage of saliva.
The oxygen administration presents the injuries.It protects from falls and injuries.It protect from falls and injuries.
It needs constant and careful observation. The onset , duration , frequency and types and intensity and severity of convulsions should be observed.

The nursing care of the Eclampsia :-

Maintain the serum magnesium level.
Checking the urinary output properly.observe the knee jerks .The maintaining the respiration rate properly. Monitoring the intensive care.And the treatment of complications are treated properly.A team consists of physicians and expert anesthetist have to look after the mother and assess the cardiac and pulmonary complications use of blood gas analyzer ,pulse oximeter,cvp monitoring correctly.

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